Bespoke Merchant Solutions

Our Top Three Tips for “Freedom Day”

July 19th, aptly named “Freedom Day”, is now upon us. Almost all restrictions in the United Kingdom will be lifted allowing all businesses to reopen. Whilst there is much ecstasy about our newfound liberties there are many things that businesses can do to organise. At Bespoke Merchant Solutions, we have put together a three-point list of how you can prepare for “Freedom Day.” 

1: Offer New Ways to Pay:

Not everyone will be rushing out on Freedom Day. Many customers (and I’d include myself in that) might be hesitant. There are, however, some steps businesses can take in order to keep everyone on board. By offering more diverse payment methods businesses could retain consumers who are less outgoing.   

Offering over the phone transactions is one of the ways in which businesses can retain a diverse range of customers. Over the phone transactions are a safe and secure way to offer transactions by card. That, mixed with a delivery service, can maintain a customer’s support until they are ready to mix indoors.  

At Bespoke Merchant Solutions, some of our partner banks offer over the phone transactions with no additional charges. If over the phone transactions are something that you would like to offer to your clients, then we are the best place to get you started. We’ll be happy to assess your current bill and allow your business to take over the phone transactions without incurring further costs.  

An alternative method to over the phone transactions are portable card machines. Our card machines are PAXA920s. Not only are these machines portable, but they also operate using 4G. This technology is invaluable for retaining customers. Businesses can simply deliver their services and take the card machine with them to complete the transaction.  

2. Knowing your charges

The rush to open can see businesses overlook a crucial aspect: expenditure. With the end of restrictions, we will expect to see a dramatic increase in sales on card machines. That’s purely because customers are desperate to get out and socialise. Taking excessive payments on card might not be fruitful for the business if their rates are too high. This is often seen with businesses who use Pay-as-you-go systems. These terminals have incredibly high transaction rates of 1.5%+.  

If you feel like your card machine charges are too much, then why not reach out to us. We would be happy to assess your current rates and create a tailored card machine package for you. We are 35% more competitive and that’s purely because out packages are based on what our clients take on their card machines.  

3: Making use of outdoor spaces.

“… And let fresh air in”. Where you have outdoor spacing it is probably best to make the most of it. This is especially true for helping those customers who are not as comfortable indoors. 

The best way to fully utilise outdoor spacing is with a portable card machine. A portable card machine will allow your business to serve clients who are wishing to remine outside. Aforementioned, our PAXA920 terminals are portable. If your outdoor seating is all the way at Hadrian’s Wall, then our terminals can make a transaction happen.  

At Bespoke Merchant Solutions we would like to wish al businesses good luck with ‘Freedom Day’. We look forward to working with many businesses in order to aid their success in 2021. To become of the businesses we help get in touch today!

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