A Merchant’s Guide to a Successful Christmas

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and for merchants, it’s also the season to be prepared! As the holiday bells start ringing, businesses gear up for the Christmas rush. At BMS, we understand the challenges that come with managing the influx of customers during this festive period.

Let’s unwrap some tips and tricks to ensure a seamless and successful holiday season.

Did you know that the Christmas shopping season in the UK typically peaks in the first two weeks of December? Consumers are eager to complete their holiday shopping early, making it crucial for merchants to be well-prepared from the start of the month.

Tips for Handling the Influx of Customers:

  • Optimise Staffing

    Ensure you have sufficient staff to handle the increased footfall. A well-trained and motivated team can enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.

  • Streamline Checkout Process

    Speed up transactions by employing efficient point-of-sale systems. BMS offers state-of-the-art card machines that facilitate quick and secure payments, reducing wait times for customers.

  • Stock Up On Popular Items

    Analyse sales data from previous years to identify top-selling products. Make sure your inventory is well-stocked with these items to meet the high demand.

  • Extend Your Opening Hours

    Consider extending your opening hours to give customers more time to shop. This is especially important in the lead-up to Christmas Eve.

  • Offer Promotions and Discounts

    This is a great way to attract customers and encourage them to spend more.

person paying merchant at christmas time on card machine

This is a testament to the importance of this holiday season for the UK economy. Christmas is a time when people traditionally spend more money on gifts, food, and other festive items. This influx of spending provides a much-needed boost for businesses of all sizes.

An additional card machine.

To cope with the surge in electronic payments during the holiday season, consider getting an additional card machine. Our cutting-edge devices are designed to handle increased transaction volumes, providing a seamless and secure payment experience for both you and your customers. Contact BMS today to discuss how having an additional card machine can enhance your business’s point of sales.

Our till roll subscription service.

BMS offers a convenient till roll subscription service, ensuring you never run out of essential supplies. Never worry about running out again—focus on what you do best and let us take care of the supplies.

'Tis the season for promotions!

Christmas is the perfect time to entice customers with special promotions. Consider creating holiday bundles, exclusive discounts, or loyalty programs to reward repeat shoppers. Spread the word through social media, email newsletters, and in-store signage to maximise your reach.

In the spirit of giving, BMS is here to support you every step of the way. From efficient card machines to hassle-free till roll subscriptions, we’ve got the tools to make this Christmas a successful one. Not sure if you’re prepared for the festive season? Simply contact us at 0800 989 0142.