If the tsunami of the pandemic has proven anything, it is that businesses have a strong ability to adapt to a cash-vs-card environment.
Leading the forefront of this evolutionary process is the sacred card machine. Rather than being a tool for quick transactions, the card machine has witnessed its own renaissance during the pandemic. Throughout multiple lockdowns, many of our clients have continued their day-to-day operations due to over the phone transactions. These transactions can be entered into a card machine with no additional charges. Florists, butchers and deli shops have all been able to take payments and deliver their services to customers. This handy perk has been a life raft to many industries which could have easily been swept away.
It is not just lockdowns where the card machine has proven its worth. With new government restrictions, such as reduced shop capacity, the card machine has become a tool of acceleration. No longer do customers have a que at a kiosk; with a single tap of a card, a transaction can be completed. Even the numbers from ‘U.K. Finance’ seem to indicate that the card machine is becoming the new normal. 85 million contactless debit cards were issued by October 2020, with one in every three payments taking advantage of this method. It appears, therefore, that the pendulum has completely swung in favour of the card machine

It’s a shame to even admit it, but cash is coming to an end. With such a tectonic shift towards card payments, it seems unlikely that our spending habits will revert to their pre-2000’s.
So, why doesn’t every business in the UK have a card reader? If card is the saviour of the small business, then why do many businesses turn away potential customers? To answer some of those questions, one needs to get into the mindset of a business owner. Someone who is new to card machines.
The reason why some businesses do not have card machines is because they are confusing. When all you want to do is serve your local community, the last thing you need is a complicated breakdown of your costs. PCI compliance, none-qualifying charges, terminal rental, membership, processing charges, transaction rates. It’s just confusing jargon.
The reason why some businesses do not have card machines is because they are confusing. When all you want to do is serve your local community, the last thing you need is a complicated breakdown of your costs. PCI compliance, none-qualifying charges, terminal rental, membership, processing charges, transaction rates. It’s just confusing jargon.
At Bespoke Merchant Solutions, we believe in doing business better. We don’t believe in leaving businesses stranded in a chasm of confusion.
We pride ourselves on explaining to our clients what their bills stand for. Our dedicated Account Managers are ready to help businesses navigate these tempestuous waters. Working with our four partner banks, we provide businesses with tailored credit card machine packages
If you have been wondering about the charges that you find on your credit card machine statements, then why not reach out to us? Our team will be prepared to explain everything to you in depth – free of charge. Alternatively, if you are new to credit card machines and don’t know where to look, then our team want to help you . Fire up a flare and we will come to your aid.
Give you business the best kick in 2021 by investing in a card machine, and if you invest with Bespoke Merchant Solutions, you can take full advantage of our perks. Free over the phone transactions, and PCI Compliance is available for your business.
Get in touch with BMS today and let us help you Do Business Better!